Interested in becoming a Non-Executive Director (NED)? Curious about what it takes to get there and what qualities companies look for when bringing on NED’s?
The number one quality of an NED is EXPERIENCE.
Yes, having been out there on the ground as well as in high level positions, learning, networking, seeing what works and what doesn’t work, picking up skills and knowledge about finance. Having a well-rounded career gives way to a BROAD PERSPECTIVE and INDEPENDENT, CRITICAL THINKING which is what NED’s are there for! 🙌 🙌
NED’s must be able to challenge executives while also supporting them. Always making decisions based on what’s best for the 👉 company 👈. Therefore, IMPECCABLE INTEGRITY and SOUND JUDGEMENT are key.
But none of this is worth anything if an NED isn’t a THOUGHTFUL COMMUNICATOR with INTERPERSONAL and MENTOR SKILLS. An NED is there to guide companies through difficult and sensitive decision making and to educate executives and employees while they’re at it.

So, do you have what it takes? Now that you have a clear idea of what constitutes an excellent NED, you can shape your career path accordingly! 👏 Have fun!
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